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The New Opportunity to Lead

A Vision for Education in Massachusetts in the next 20 years.

Twenty years ago, the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education and the business community played a leading role in bringing about changes that propelled our state to the top of the nation on most measures of K-12 education performance.  But we all know that the skills-gap present in our workforce results in thousands of unfilled jobs despite our national ranking on standardized test scores.  And everyone knows that in higher education too many Massachusetts students are simply not prepared for college and career success.

That is why the Board of Directors and supporters of MBAE, convinced that neither the status quo nor incremental improvements are enough, decided once again to take a comprehensive look at what education reforms were needed in Massachusetts to sustain and grow our innovation-based state economy.

MBAE commissioned a team of international experts, led by Sir Michael Barber outside of his day job, to conduct a review of education in Massachusetts using the world’s best systems as the benchmark.  Today, were pleased to share this report, as well as our plans for using this information to engage stakeholders in developing a new blueprint for making and keeping public education in Massachusetts the best in the world. 

Find out more
A Vision for Education in Massachusetts in the next 20 years.
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